Chapter 164 - Chapter 164: Declaration of War (1)

Ella’s eyes looked betrayed. And Cho Min Joon, who was listening from the side, laughed and stared at Ella. Ella’s eyes turned red as if she was about to cry and then buried her face in Lisa’s arms. Lisa smiled because it was so absurd and pinched her cheeks.

“Don’t worry. That man is another fairy. He’s not Tinker Bell.”

“… Really?”

“Yup, really.”

Was it because she was a mother? She showed a different face to her daughter than she showed to them. They thought she was stern, but the smile she showed Ella was soft and warm.

Their exchange lightened up the atmosphere. Rachel whispered in a low voice, “Jack, I’m glad you have a warm family.”

“They’re my last remaining treasure.”

“Shall we start chatting?”

Jack didn’t answer, and Rachel took that as a yes. Rachel approached Lisa. Lisa slowly opened her mouth.

“I have a feeling I know what you’ll ask me.”

“… It’s probably what you’re thinking. I want to start with an apology, but will you accept it?”

“No need to apologize to me. You were cruel to my father, not me. I wouldn’t say there’s no resentment in my heart, but what daughter would like a person who mistreated her father?”

She spoke in a calm voice, but her words were filled with emotion. Rachel looked down in shame and then met eyes with Ella. Ella stared at Rachel with unfamiliarity before smiling. Her smile gave her comfort as well as courage and shamelessness.

Rachel opened her mouth.

“Yeah, you’re right. And I don’t think you’ll like what I’m about to say next.”

“No. I don’t want to go back to your kitchen. But that’s not because of personal emotions. Rachel, how can I ever trust you? You’ve already given up once. And I’m a mother now. I don’t want to spend my time in a place that might disappear.”

She was unable to refute. While Rachel stayed silent, Lisa looked back at Cho Min Joon.

“You said earlier that you’re desperate. Well, my father was desperate just like you. But who says you won’t be abandoned like he was?”

“… I trust Rachel.”

“I’m sure you do because you haven’t become a victim yet, but I don’t know. It’s hard for me.”

She didn’t sound very emotional. She was simply talking about the past, so Rachel was unable to make any excuses. She had betrayed them once before, so how could she say anything?

That was why there was only one person who could convince Lisa from the beginning. Jack opened his mouth. The man, who waited for 10 years, spoke up, “Lisa, how about… you give her one more chance?”

“… Dad. Do you know what you’re saying? It’s been 10 whole years. How can I trust someone overnight when she lost our trust for 10 years?”

“I’m not saying you should trust her. Just give her a chance. A chance to wash away me and Rachel’s regret.

When he referred to himself, Lisa couldn’t help but feel weak. Jack sighed.

“If you don’t want to do it, there’s nothing I can do. But I feel greedy as a father. I’m not saying you should accomplish my dream. I know you’re doing a good job with this shop. But I want you to live a better and more comfortable life. And as long as Rachel doesn’t give up again… this is a good opportunity for you.”

“This will be a good opportunity for all of us, Lisa. I tried the bread you made in the living room. You’re just as skilled as your father.”

Lisa bit down on her lip and looked down at Ella. She stroked Ella’s chin before opening her mouth.

“I can’t close this bakery. Our customers will be sad, and what I value most is a stable life.”

“… Yeah. I understand.”

Rachel nodded with a sad face. At that moment, Lisa hesitatingly said, “I have to make bread early in the morning. And it’s a little better in the mornings. I can probably go by lunchtime or in the evening. You’re not opening in the mornings, are you?”

Rachel smiled with tears.

“Of course not.”


Anderson drove his car to drop Amelia back at her restaurant. Only Rachel and Cho Min Joon remained at the bakery. Rachel seemed like she wanted to chat some more, and Cho Min Joon was unable to leave so easily. And the reason was simple.

“Our Ella has fallen for the fairy man.”

Jack looked at Ella with a soft smile. Ella smiled and nodded. They looked like a loving grandfather and granddaughter. If there was one thing to criticize it was where Ella was sitting. She wasn’t sitting in a chair but on his lap, not Lisa’s lap or Jack’s lap, but Cho Min Joon’s.

She must’ve really thought Cho Min Joon was a fairy because she didn’t want to leave his lap. But she didn’t have the courage to talk to him either and simply munched on her lemon pound cake.

‘… She’s okay with sitting on my lap, but she’s too shy to speak?’

The mind of a child was always strange and complicated. Ella ripped off a piece of her pound cake and handed it to Cho Min Joon. Cho Min Joon smiled and looked back at Ella.

“Are you giving this to me?”

Ella nodded and shook the piece of cake. Cho Min Joon accepted it with his mouth like a baby bird. Ella smiled shyly and looked back at Lisa. Cho Min Joon swallowed the cake and asked, “Is Ella always this shy?”

“Well, you are the legendary fairy in Ella’s eyes. No wonder she’s shy.”

“Ella, do I look like a fairy?”

“… Yes!”

Ella wriggled her body and nodded enthusiastically. Her long hair tickled his arms. That was how it began. Ella started to ask him questions. ‘How did Peter Pan come about? Have you met Cinderella? Where can I find the mirror that will tell you if you’re beautiful?’ Every time she asked a question, Cho Min Joon had to make up something.

Rachel watched the two of them and whispered to Jack, “I’m jealous of your beautiful family.”

“It seems like you consider that young man you’re blood.”

In response, Rachel stared at Cho Min Joon. Blood, she hadn’t talked about that for quite some time. Rachel responded calmly, “I’m thankful to him. He’s the one who’ll make our dreams come true.”

“I didn’t think anyone else could ever make our dreams come true, but I can’t say that anymore. After all, my dream is with Lisa now.”

“That’s how it is for old people, to have hope for the younger generation.”

Jack wriggled his lips with a displeased face, but he was unable to refute.

Ella and Cho Min Joon were now talking about Santa Claus. Cho Min Joon asked Ella, “Ella, are you confident you’ll get Christmas presents this year?”

“Yes. Uh, oh… But… does Santa Claus really not give you presents if you cry?”

“I’m not sure. He probably won’t if you throw a fit like a bad girl. But if it’s for a different reason, it should be okay. Like if you’re sick, for example.”

“Well… my friend Matilda said she was going on a vacation with her dad… And I wanted to, too, so I cried. Does that make me a bad girl?”

Cho Min Joon looked at Lisa for a moment. Lisa’s face looked stiff. Cho Min Joon comforted Ella with a soft voice, “No. Don’t worry. Santa will give you presents this year.”


“Of course. So listen to your mom and be a good girl.”

“Then will Santa Claus bring me my dad?”

Ella asked while blinking her big eyes. It pained his heart to have to lie in front of her big sparkling eyes. Cho Min Joon took off a breadcrumb from Ella’s face and said, “I’m not sure about that, but I’ll be your uncle if you want.”

“What’s an uncle?”

“Hm… You can just think of me as a friendly man. I’ll help you when you need it and hear your worries. That kind of friend.”

“… Ella, stop bothering him and come to me. I’ll give you some warm milk.”


Ella followed Lisa back inside. Jack sighed and clenched his fists.

“I don’t know who her father is, but if I ever find him, that’s the day he’ll die.”


After chatting a while longer, Anderson came back and picked up Rachel and Cho Min Joon to go back. Rachel didn’t say anything as she was deep in thought, and the same went for Cho Min Joon.

Ella was innocent and cute, but that made him feel even sadder for her.

‘Was Kaya… the same way?’

Kaya grew up in similar circumstances. No, her circumstances were worse. She wasn’t in a decent economic situation like her, and she also had to deal with working in the rough market while taking care of her little sister and helping her mother.

That might’ve been why his heart ached so much because Kaya had to grow up with similar pains. Cho Min Joon looked at his phone. Kaya had yet to read the message he sent a few days earlier.

‘Will Kaya meet her dad?’

He didn’t know. Perhaps it never happened, or it wasn’t written on in the news, or Cho Min Joon never read the news. But as far as Cho Min Joon remembered, it never happened. Cho Min Joon leaned his head back as if he was solving a difficult math problem. Anderson glanced back at him and said, “Hey, Tinker Bell.”


“Why do you look so depressed? I thought it all worked out.”

“It did. We have a patisserie now.”

“Then what is it?”

“I feel bad for Ella. Same with Lisa. I just felt sad, and it reminded me of Kaya.”

Anderson nodded in understanding. Cho Min Joon looked out the window. At that moment, he saw a couple pushing a stroller. Cho Min Joon mumbled in a low voice, “I wouldn’t go anywhere if I had a cute daughter like Ella.”

“You must’ve liked that little rascal.”

“I just can’t seem to get her out of my mind.”

“Stop worrying about others. There are lots of single-parent households in California, no, even in Venice. It’s tiring to worry about all of them.”

“But she’s not just anyone. She’s a part of our kitchen now.”

“I guess.”

The car fell silent again, and it was Rachel who broke that silence next.

“Our kitchen will continue to grow. Min Joon and Anderson, as demi chefs, you’ll have to manage them well. But also follow the sous chefs on top of you.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”


Rachel was about to say something before she shut her mouth. The car stopped in front of Rose Island, and that also meant that they had to face the crowd again. Their eyes were shining outside the window. Andreson lifted his sunglasses and asked, “Do you need this?”

“No, I’ll give them the bait they want.”

After saying that, Rachel opened the door. While Cho Min Joon and Anderson followed behind her, Rachel approached the crowd. The flashes went off as well as lots of questions, cheering, and clapping.


But as soon as she opened her lips, it grew silent. Cho Min Joon and Anderson were in awe. Was it because she was used to it? Despite being watched by many people, Rachel’s voice was stable and strong. It was enough to reach everyone’s ears and even ring.

“I know you’re all here for different jobs or reasons. But you all want to see Rose Island, and you probably want to come inside. Some of you might even want an interview.”

“When will Rose Island open?”

“Please take me in as a chef! I’ll work hard!”

“I’m here to tell you two important things. Number one…”

Rachel paused for a moment. She looked behind her. And what she was looking at was the Rose Island building. Her eyes were sentimental before they fired up. Her voice rang again, “We plan to open the main Rose Island restaurant. The date is November 20. And number two, I will hold an open audition to hire more employees. We’re currently looking for a demi chef, an average cook, and an apprentice. The date is August 20. That’s 3 months before opening. Also, the open audition will be strict. And as for the judges for the audition…”

Rachel lifted her head. And as soon as her eyes met that of Cho Min Joon, she raised her voice once more.

“My pupils, Min Joon and Anderson, will be participating.”