Chapter 614 - Deep Winter War: Parux



nColonial Forums

nCopied from Semmi's Original post.

nTomorrow morning Inferno will take down the last Regional Lord in Colonial. Thank you to all the guilds who helped clear out the Howlers. I don't expect that Parux will take longer than an hour. When that happens, we will most likely see the Realm Boss. We have no idea what its strength or abilities may be. Our best guess is this.

nOne Boss around level 125.

nMultiple waves filled with lower-level mobs.

nRegular Rage or stampede-like abilities.

nHow you can help us.

nThis is an open event, so no one is going to tell you what to do. That being said, the area immediately around the boss will most likely be the most dangerous. If I were running a mid-tier guild again, I would keep my members out of the main battle and carefully pick my targets. There should be many mid-range, named mobs on the outskirts considering the level of the mid-tier guilds. Inferno will try to respect any mid-range mob that has been claimed. Keep in mind, Inferno's objective is the Realm Boss.

nLet's bring back the sun!

nSemmi, 125 Level Gemini Thief

nFrenzy reread the posting while considering the layout. The Anomaly was close to Cyphix Bay, which was a bit south of the city itself.


/Salamander: Frenzy: Let's head to the rift cave. We'll camp there for now.


/Salamander: Ruther: Understood, boss.

nThe Necromancer closed her hud and headed north. The original site of Nix's defeat would make the perfect fall-back position. They'd set up in front of it and take advantage of natural cover.

nWhisper: Frenzy to Nix Good luck today! We're setting up in the rift cave. Feel free to throw us some mobs.

nWhisper: Nix to Frenzy Heh... Since you asked so nicely, I'll make sure it happens.

nNix leaned against the warm Titan cub, not concerned that both of them were slowly being blanketed with a layer of snow. Ducky and Soup were drawing on the ice-covered ground with one of the Water Witches arrows. Occasionally one of them would look up to verify that he hadn't moved.


/Family: Nix: Tai keeps asking me to be her spirit companion. What do you guys think?


/Family: Ducky: Yes!


/Family: Morti: Yep. She's very nice to me.


"You're early, Punk Bastard!

" Pon stepped off of his bone crow, his face creased in a wide grin.

"Can't wait to kill that Ice Bitch.


nNix stood up, pausing for a moment to hug the cub's now covered neck.

"Let's not look past this realm, boss.


nNix has activated his bloodline Second Form: Emerald Salamander.

nSoup immediately made a bee-line for him, her jade-colored finger petting the salamander's smooth skin.

"Nom, nom, nom?


nNix laughed and nudged her with his wide snout.

"Don't even think about it.



"Going Salamander today?

" Pon knew Nix could fight effectively under almost any circumstance.


"Yes. Since we're facing the forces of Ice, I'm going to rely heavily on my strongest fire form.

" Nix returned the old man's grin.

"That doesn't mean I won't break out the Phoenix or my Basilisk.


nPon's old smile dropped immediately.

"You have too many trump cards, bastard. What about the dread form?


nThe salamander's green head shook from side to side.

"You know how that goes. As a last resort, I would, but that effectively takes me out of the fight.


nPon stared at him for a long moment.

"I'll be there to help. If push comes to shove, you can count on me to finish her off by myself!



"I know it, old man.

" Nix felt confident that if it came right down to it, either of them could get the job done.

nA breach opened a few meters away; a moment later, several members of Inferno streamed through.


/Inferno: Jun Li: Give me a moment to set up the main raid. Two groups will take down Parux while the rest of us head to Cyphix Bay.


/Inferno: Semmi: Normally, we wouldn't brief the second raid, but Parux isn't going to present much of a threat. Because of that, we'll play him straight. Morti tanks while the dps burns him down. Standard fare for this guy. Since we don't know how fast things will kick-off after he's down, we have to move fast.


/Jun Li: For the Realm Boss, we'll have three Breach Commanders keeping a close eye on the battlefield from high overhead. They will assist as the raid progresses. Here's our raid sheet. Ask questions after you've read it.

nDeep Winter War: Colonial

nBreach Commander RenzBreach Commander PolaiBreach Commander Mtui

nMain Tank: Morti

nAlt Tank: Sharl

n2nd Alt Tank: Banz


nNix: CC, Ranged

/Melee DPS

nPon: Ranged DPS

nWind: Melee DPS

nSemmi: Melee DPS

nFajii: Buffs, Melee DPS


nSharl: Tank

nRonnie: Range DPS

nBali: Range DPS

nMilat: Melee DPS

nNansu: Melee DPS


nBanz: Tank

nChiba: Melee DPS

nBeta: Melee DPS

nRhylia: CC, Ranged Support

nZhava: Melee DPS


nJun Li: Off Tank

/Melee DPS

nShae: Ranged DPS

nDonri: Ranged DPS

nSila: CC

/Melee DPS

nSasi: Melee DPS

nHealer Protection Group

nVooni: Tank, Melee DPS

nAja: Ranged

/Melee DPS

nNunzo, Melee DPS

nOmak: Ranged DPS








nSniper Group






/Inferno: Semmi: We've put our healers in one group and assigned Captain Vooni's team to protect them. Morti is the only companion I included because he's the MT. Feel free to summon your companions whenever you like.


/Inferno: Jun Li: The sniper team will be working with our Breach Commanders to find their targets.


/Alpha: Pon: Seems straightforward.

nFajii has summoned Eron.

nWind has summoned Atharabi Qi

nThe tiny demon flashed a fanged smile at the group before pouncing on Wind.

"Rabi will protect everyone today!


nThe stoic Gemini Thief cracked a smile; no one was immune to the charm of Rabi.

"Don't worry about the old bastard; it's fine if he dies a few times.


nRabi tilted his head sideways, his dark eyes glancing toward Pon.

"Right... He's off my list.



/Alpha: Pon: Hey! Could you put me back on the list?


/Alpha: Wind: No way.


/Alpha: Nix: Gonzo... That's definitely a bad omen for you.


/Alpha: Pon: Hilarious.


/Inferno: Sharl: What's our timeline?


/Inferno: Semmi: We kill Parux, then roll into the WB. Once we have him on the ropes, the Dhassi will kill Oasis's last Regional Lord.


/Alpha: Pon: How many parts of that can go wrong?


/Alpha: Nix: Any and All of it...


/Alpha: Semmi: Time to take off the skirt and man up.


/Alpha: Wind: She's talking to you, Pon.


/Inferno: Jun Li: Alpha and Bravo get in position, the rest of us will head to Cyphix Bay. Whenever you are ready, Morti.


/Inferno: Morti: Okay. Time to swat things.

nThree separate breaches opened up next to the raid; two groups remained behind while the rest exited the area.

nMorti waited while Bravo and most of Alpha circled behind their target. Only Nix, Ducky, and Soup remained with him.


/Alpha: Pon: Hey! Where are the Sand Killers?


/Alpha: Semmi: In Oasis with Del and Raine. We'll see them later.

nRabi has shared Enemy Information.

nLord Parux: Melee Fighter.

nMain Weapon: Enchanted Ax.

nArmament: Enhanced Plate armor.

nSpecial Ability: AoE Stun attack.

nWarning: The death of Lord Parux will trigger the arrival of the Realm King.


/Alpha: Nix: He's big. Let's not get sloppy.

nParux stood motionless on the icy field of western Jhabi. Heavy plate armor protected his torso and legs, leaving his overly muscular arms bare. He wore a furred helm with two horns that protruded from either side. A single white braid extended down his back.


"Gonna run right over him. Full speed.

" Morti stood on his hind legs, staring at the Regional Lord.

"I really like his helmet.


nMorti has activated: Bone Emperor.

nLong spikes emerged from the cub's shoulders, followed by the ridge bone-blades that ran down the center of his back. The cub dropped to all fours with enough force to shake the ground. However, it was completely soundless, thanks to upgrades Nix had placed on his battle harness.

nMorti accelerated with surprising speed, his powerful strides throwing great chunks of ice and snow into the air as he rumbled toward his target like a runaway train. True to his word, he lowered his head and slammed into Jhabi's Regional Lord.

nA pronounced 'woosh of air sounded upon impact, the Titan's shoulder spike impaled Parux's torso, causing him to scream in pain as he was tossed into the air, head over heels.

nMorti has inflicted a serious wound on Parux.

nA flash of jade followed in Morti's wake, Soup's round eyes focused on Parux as he fell toward the ground. She clenched her fist and swung it upward with all her strength.

nSonic Boom

nThe impact wave of the turtle's ability caused everyone to flinch slightly; Parux was tossed back into the air, spinning like a top.

nParux has been stunned.


/Inferno: Ronnie: Not this time! I'm getting a hit in before they kill it.

nBright green flames erupted around the salamander as it raised one webbed foot.

nHellfire: Emerald Fury

nA blinding ball of light struck its target, sending it careening toward the charging group.

nTrueshotSnake Arrow

nRonnie has landed a critical shot.

nEight poison counters have been applied to Parux.

nPon has activated his bloodline Third Form: Dread Mage.

nParux landed on the ground with a bone-jarring thud. Staggering to his feet, he howled with anger and stomped one of his heavily armored boots onto the ice.

nIce Expulsion

nCritical InteruptVoid StrikePickpocket

nRabi has interrupted Parux's casting.

nRabi has landed a critical strike.

nRabi has stolen Parux's War Axe.

nBalefire: Dread Flames

nPon has slain Parux.

nThe bright red aura that surrounded the old man, pushed back the cold and snow for a dozen meters as his flaming wings flapped gently.


/Alpha: Wind: Damn you two. Why are the rest of us even here?

nPon laughed at the Gemini Thief and shrugged.

"Comic relief.



/Inferno: Semmi: I'll loot everything; we'll figure it out tonight.

nTwo Breaches opened up near the corpse of the dead Regional Lord; without pausing, Inferno ran through the breach.
