The Rebirth of Han Yuxi
The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Update:2024 24PRCamTue, 29 Oct 2024 10:23:00 +0800 10 102024103110 29 29am24

[At home, she was invisible; after marriage, she was a decorative vase; in the end, a sea of flames buried her, and not even her corpse remained. This is the portrait of Han Yuxi’s previous lifetime., Given a chance at rebirth, she strives to improve herself, wishing only to no longer serve as a foil or a pretty face. Then, she will seek out an exemplary husband and live a life of peace and prosperity. Alas, things turn out contrary to her wishes—she marries a man who bears a blood feud and hatred as deep as the sea., She turns the world upside-down, but her road to happiness is strewn with setbacks and the sweetness that comes after bitterness.]

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