A Wizard’s Secret
positive sequence
351.Chapter 351 - The Spell Library
352.Chapter 352 - Deriving a New Spell!
353.Chapter 353 - The Matrix and the Flame Maxim I
354.Chapter 354 - The Matrix and the Flame Maxim II
355.Chapter 355 - Level Up, Third-level Spell Caster!
356.Chapter 356 - Hidden Danger I
357.Chapter 357 - Hidden Danger II
358.Chapter 358 - Emergency I
359.Chapter 359 - Emergency II
360.Chapter 360 - The Runic Tower
361.Chapter 361 - Challenging the Tower I
362.Chapter 362 - Challenging the Tower II
363.Chapter 363 - The Fifth Floor
364.Chapter 364 - Indirect Showdown
365.Chapter 365 - Entering the Sixth Floor
366.Chapter 366 - Overlapping Runic Magic Circles
367.Chapter 367 - Ultimate Limit of the Sixth-Level!
368.Chapter 368 - The Golden Relief Sculpture
369.Chapter 369 - The Seventh Floor!
370.Chapter 370 - The Golden Relief Sculpture
371.Chapter 371 - A Peaceful Month I
372.Chapter 372 - A Peaceful Month II
373.Chapter 373 - A Peaceful Month III
374.Chapter 374 - Blacksand Fort I
375.Chapter 375 - Blacksand Fort II
376.Chapter 376 - Summit I
377.Chapter 377 - Summit II
378.Chapter 378 - Summit III
379.Chapter 379 - Summit 4
380.Chapter 380 - Summit 5
381.Chapter 381 - Summit 6
382.Chapter 382 - Summit 7
383.Chapter 383 - Summit 8
384.Chapter 384 - Miracle Door
385.Chapter 385 - Kleis and the Miracle Child!
386.Chapter 386 - The Inevitable Battle I
387.Chapter 387 - The Inevitable Battle II
388.Chapter 388 - The Inevitable Battle III
389.Chapter 389 - Bloodshed Beginnings I
390.Chapter 390 - Bloodshed Beginnings II
391.Chapter 391 - Battle Again I
392.Chapter 392 - Battle Again II
393.Chapter 393 - Attempting the Runic Tower Again I
394.Chapter 394 - Attempting the Runic Tower Again II
395.Chapter 395 - : Runic Heartprint
396.Chapter 396 - Runology
397.Chapter 397 - Troubled Times
398.Chapter 398 - Fourth-Level Spell!
399.Chapter 399 - Derivation
400.Chapter 400 - Returning to the Ancient Monument I
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