Allure Of The Night
positive sequence
451.451 Mother's words
452.452 House of Purgatory
453.453 Truth comes out
454.454 Locked up in new home
455.455 Greed behind rusted bars
456.456 Brooding Housekeeper
457.457 Werewolf on the grounds!
458.458 Morbid family
459.459 Werewolf's fatal bite to a vampire
460.460 Stray cat
461.461 Who woke up?
462.462 Out of coffin
463.463 A fight of welcome
464.464 Second out of coffin
465.465 I will put you in the coffin!
466.466 A Moriarty family thing
467.467 Wedding gift from the old couple
468.468 Unkempt cellar
469.469 Mystery of Timotei
470.470 Holes in the memories
471.471 Time to lose your pride
472.472 Finding a known face
473.474 What was passed down
474.475 The other side
475.476 Vengeance of the Siren
476.477 Unchanging heart through the tide
477.478 I have been humbled
478.479 Leaving Holy Oak
479.480 Alarmed about the awake
480.481 Object that belongs to someone else
481.482 Timotei's next aspiration
482.483 The other person involved
483.484 Long ago unfortunate King's home
484.485 Quiet promise I mean to follow
485.486 Timotei's skeleton
486.487 To be her shadow
487.488 Possessor of the vial
488.489 Secret of the Sullivan lady
489.490 Report never made
490.491 I know what you did
491.492 Betrayal by blood
492.493 It was destined time
493.494 Let down by family
494.495 Wanting to hold on a little longer
495.497 Possible damage
496.498 Word of death
497.499 Unreal incident
498.502 Use of the vial
499.503 Prepare the black dress
500.504 Servant about to be a council clerk
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