positive sequence
51.Chapter 51 Royal Intervention
52.Chapter 52 R and R
53.Chapter 53 Skill Up!
54.Chapter 54 Back to work
55.Chapter 55 Timber
56.Chapter 56 Anthony's colony growth strategy
57.Chapter 57 Practice makes perfec
58.Chapter 58 Hunger for Wolf-Dragon
59.Chapter 59 The first war of the hill
60.Chapter 60 The first war - War never changes
61.Chapter 61 The first War - War is Mother to us all
62.Chapter 62 The first War - Winner takes it all
63.Chapter 63 Core concern
64.Chapter 64 Right to the core
65.Chapter 65 Mutation Trepidation
66.Chapter 66 The Heat Factor
67.Chapter 67 These guys are seriously annoying
68.Chapter 68 Drawing a line
69.Chapter 69 The evolving situation
70.Chapter 70 Using the power of the mind
71.Chapter 71 Too effective?
72.Chapter 72 Finer things in life
73.Chapter 73 Establishing the network
74.Chapter 74
75.Chapter 75 Reconnect with my people
76.Chapter 76 I can't bear i
77.Chapter 77 Crossroads
78.Chapter 78 The actual evolving situation
79.Chapter 79 Chatterbox
80.Chapter 80 Birth of the Mage.... Ant
81.Chapter 81 Flex the mental muscle!
82.Chapter 82 Mechanic in training
83.Chapter 83 The ants new move
84.Chapter 84 The gravity of the situation
85.Chapter 85 Voluntary beating
86.Chapter 86 Still much to learn
87.Chapter 87 Tunnel solution
88.Chapter 88 Once more to battle!
89.Chapter 89 Splendid Chap
90.Chapter 90 Conversation with a mind
91.Chapter 91 Breaking
92.Chapter 92 Prelude to the second war
93.Chapter 93 The second war of the hill
94.Chapter 94 The colony erupts
95.Chapter 95 Anthony's figh
96.Chapter 96 Anthony's decision
97.Chapter 97 The family
98.Chapter 98 Digging commences
99.Chapter 99 Experiments in mechanics
100.Chapter 100 Concerning Tiny
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