Extraordinary Genius
positive sequence
1151.Chapter 1155 - Sa Wukong
1152.Chapter 1156 - Know-It-All
1153.Chapter 1157 - Break up
1154.Chapter 1158 - – Conditions
1155.Chapter 1159 - Fighting for power
1156.Chapter 1160 - I have the final say here!
1157.Chapter 1161 - Northern Construction
1158.Chapter 1162 - It’s you?!
1159.Chapter 1163 - Complicated feelings
1160.Chapter 1164 - Impersonating Feng Yu?!
1161.Chapter 1165 - Rock paper scissors
1162.Chapter 1166 – Change
1163.Chapter 1167 - Yue Lai Inn
1164.Chapter 1168 - – Industry Standard
1165.Chapter 1169 - Members
1166.Chapter 1170 - Nvidia
1167.Chapter 1171 - WorldCom’s downfall
1168.Chapter 1172 - Another scandal
1169.Chapter 1173 - Arthur Andersen
1170.Chapter 1174 - The proud Jerry Sanders
1171.Chapter 1175 - Exchange
1172.Chapter 1176 - Allen’s resentment
1173.Chapter 1177 - Ah… we won again
1174.Chapter 1178 - Let the Nets win next year
1175.Chapter 1179 - Cooperation with IBM
1176.Chapter 1180 – Lenovo’s competitiveness
1177.Chapter 1181 - Who is in charge?
1178.Chapter 1182 - Conspiracy theory resurfaced
1179.Chapter 1183 - E-cigarette
1180.Chapter 1184 - National Debate
1181.Chapter 1185 - Smoke rings competition
1182.Chapter 1186 - Suspicion
1183.Chapter 1187 - A story
1184.Chapter 1188 - Proposal
1185.Chapter 1189 - Unable to keep it simple
1186.Chapter 1190 - Tragic event
1187.Chapter 1191 - Stock Markets crash, Gold rises
1188.Chapter 1192 - Making Soros the scapegoat again
1189.Chapter 1193 - Even making money have worries
1190.Chapter 1194 - Gold prices will rise during troubled times
1191.Chapter 1195 - War
1192.Chapter 1196 - Sky-high consulting fees
1193.Chapter 1197 - Real color screen
1194.Chapter 1198 - Imitation phone design
1195.Chapter 1199 - Leading the trend
1196.Chapter 1200 - LCD vs. Plasma
1197.Chapter 1201 - – HD DVD
1198.Chapter 1202 - The fight over members
1199.Chapter 1203 - Teaching Fatty Huang
1200.Chapter 1204 - Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) must al
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