Favored By The Villain
positive sequence
1.Chapter 0 - Prologue
2.Chapter 1 - The Nameless Empress
3.Chapter 2 - Fleeing From Death
4.Chapter 3 - Announcement
5.Chapter 4 - Peculiar Pell
6.Chapter 5 - A Prince Beloved
7.Chapter 6 - Puss In Boots
8.Chapter 7 - A Mad Dog’s Pretense
9.Chapter 8 - Upturned Hierarchy
10.Chapter 9 - Levisia’s Garden
11.Chapter 10 - As Wild Flowers Leave A Scent
12.Chapter 11 - The Prince Under The Sun
13.Chapter 12 - As If Entranced
14.Chapter 13 - Comes The Curious Romeo
15.Chapter 14 - Mystifying Fairy Tree
16.Chapter 15 - Wolf And The Fox
17.Chapter 16 - Rivals
18.Chapter 17 - The White Rabbit
19.Chapter 18 - Further Into The Forest
20.Chapter 19 - Lest Our Fates Intertwine
21.Chapter 20 - If Grace Walks
22.Chapter 21 - Hidden No Longer
23.Chapter 22 - Passing Storm
24.Chapter 23 - Strange Tingles
25.Chapter 24 - Still No Change
26.Chapter 25 - Becoming Prey
27.Chapter 26 - Curiosity Ignites Within Kingdoms
28.Chapter 27 - In A Somber Palace
29.Chapter 28 - Miracle By An Untold Princess
30.Chapter 29 - The Sun As Red As Blood
31.Chapter 30 - Levisia’s Unruly Sanctuary
32.Chapter 31 - Accidental Discovery
33.Chapter 32 - Hidden Right Under The Enemy’s Nose
34.Chapter 33 - Thrown In The Dragon’s Den
35.Chapter 34 - Another Visitor Arrives At Night
36.Chapter 35 - Levisia’s Doom
37.Chapter 36 - One Unspoken Truth
38.Chapter 37 - Tempted
39.Chapter 38 - Unyielding Spirits
40.Chapter 39 - An Agonizing, Sleepless Night
41.Chapter 40 - Unmasking Disguised Intentions
42.Chapter 41 - An Invitation From The Grim Fate
43.Chapter 42 - Tiring Conundrum
44.Chapter 43 - Betrayal
45.Chapter 44 - Bursts Of Strangeness
46.Chapter 45 - Deadly Crossroads
47.Chapter 46 - The Price Of Rage
48.Chapter 47 - Monstrous Elite
49.Chapter 48 - The Festival Commences
50.Chapter 49 - A Peek Into The Future
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