Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
positive sequence
251.Chapter 251 - 251. The Grand Entry
252.Chapter 252 - 252. Suspended
253.Chapter 253 - 253. Care Of Magical Creatures
254.Chapter 254 - 254. Magnus' Counter
255.Chapter 255 - 255. The Nightmare Of Umbridge
256.Chapter 256 - 256. PARTYYYY!
257.Chapter 257 - 257. Challenge
258.Chapter 258 - 258. Emotions
259.Chapter 259 - 259. A Request
260.Chapter 260 - 260. The Library
261.Chapter 261 - 261. The Dragon's Way
262.Chapter 262 - 262. Horcrux
263.Chapter 263 - 263. Hidden Dangers
264.Chapter 264 - 264. How Petty
265.Chapter 265 - 265. Horny
266.Chapter 266 - 266. REEEEEE
267.Chapter 267 - 267. SummerSends
268.Chapter 268 - 268. A Copycat And A Spar
269.Chapter 269 - 269. Godfather Magnus
270.Chapter 270 - 270. The Competition
271.Chapter 271 - 271. Selection Contest And Oil Crisis
272.Chapter 272 - 272. Plot Develops
273.Chapter 273 - 273. Magnus' Boggart
274.Chapter 274 - 274. Dreams... Squashed
275.Chapter 275 - 275. New Invention
276.Chapter 276 - 276. Bring Back Honour
277.Chapter 277 - 277. Before The Halloween Night
278.Chapter 278 - 278. Magnus' Bellatrix
279.Chapter 279 - 279. Something Omnious
280.Chapter 280 - 280. Battle Of Hogsmeade Starts
281.Chapter 281 - 281. Against The Odds
282.Chapter 282 - 282. Battle Of A Thousand Beasts
283.Chapter 283 - 283. Pain, Sorrow & Rage
284.Chapter 284 - 284. Price Of Peace
285.Chapter 285 - 285. Magnus, The Real Brother
286.Chapter 286 - 286. Price Is Paid
287.Chapter 287 - 287. Torturing For Answers
288.Chapter 288 - 288. Tom Marvolo Riddle
289.Chapter 289 - 289. Horcruxes
290.Chapter 290 - 290. Wizengamot
291.Chapter 291 - 291. DECLARATION OF WAR!
292.Chapter 292 - 292. Voldy's Blood And Order's Progress
293.Chapter 293 - 293. THE MOVIE MADNESS!
294.Chapter 294 - 294. Suffering From Quidditch Success
295.Chapter 295 - 295. France Is HORNY!
296.Chapter 296 - 296. Ragnar OP
297.Chapter 297 - 297. OP Hogwarts
298.Chapter 298 - 298. World Record
299.Chapter 299 - 299. Decisive Victory
300.Chapter 300 - 300. Ragnar The Douche
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