751.Chapter 751: Influenced Vessel!
752.Chapter 752: You’ll Suffer!
753.Chapter 753: Blola Shrieks
754.Chapter 754: Please Help Orakha
755.Chapter 755: Where’s Orakha?
756.Chapter 756: What’s the Menu?
757.Chapter 757: Eerie Music
758.Chapter 758: Leave This Old Man Alone
759.Chapter 759: Scars of Crisis
760.Chapter 760: Inala's Funeral
761.Chapter 761: Self-Sufficient Free Human
762.Chapter 762: Accum! Accum! Accum!
763.Chapter 763: Sponsoring Narkahamy
764.Chapter 764: In Two Days
765.Chapter 765: Mystic Paths Unite
766.Chapter 766: Coloured Violet, Raged Red
767.Chapter 767: I Am Curious
768.Chapter 768: Is He Truly Resha?
769.Chapter 769: Return of the Supreme Tusk
770.Chapter 770: Resha's Actual Fighting Style
771.Chapter 771: Now or Never
772.Chapter 772 Now You See?
773.Chapter 773 Overbearing Armoury
774.Chapter 774 If Only I Could
775.Chapter 775 I Warned You
776.Chapter 776: Deity Fusion
777.Chapter 777: I'll Be Reborn
778.Chapter 778 We’ll Make It On Time!
779.Chapter 779 Wake Up
780.Chapter 780 Digestive Cloning
781.Chapter 781: The Final Feast
782.Chapter 782 One Year Left
783.Chapter 783 Heading For War
784.Chapter 784 We’ve Been Expecting Your Arrival
785.Chapter 785 Thieving Inala
786.Chapter 786 Pet Is Me, Me Is Pet
787.Chapter 787: Attribute, Pet, Weapon, and Seat of Transcenden
788.Chapter 788: Once, In a Cave, Long, Long Ago
789.Chapter 789: Man, That’s Annoying
790.Chapter 790: Do What Needs to Be Done
791.Chapter 791: Creating the Ultimate Predator
792.Chapter 792: A Living Influenced Region
793.Chapter 793: Just Three Natures In Harmony
794.Chapter 794: It's Time
795.Chapter 795: I Leave It To You, Yamahara
796.Chapter 796: The Merchant’s Gambit
797.Chapter 797: Sparking a Civil War
798.Chapter 798: Shut Up! Let Me Think!
799.Chapter 799: Unlimited Predator
800.Chapter 800 Meeting Ruvva