Jackal Among Snakes
positive sequence
251.Chapter 251: Order in Chaos
252.Chapter 252: Kingfish Lured
253.Chapter 253: Poisoned Bait
254.Chapter 254: Rats in Grain
255.Chapter 255: Loss
256.Chapter 256: Profligacy and Corruption
257.Chapter 257: I Decide
258.Chapter 258: Siblings in the City
259.Chapter 259: Establishing Contact
260.Chapter 260: Family Patriarch
261.Chapter 261: Vying for Primacy
262.Chapter 262: Logistics of a Battle
263.Chapter 263: Skirmishes
264.Chapter 264: Reform
265.Chapter 265: Return to Form
266.Chapter 266: Eat the Rich
267.Chapter 267: Big City Life
268.Chapter 268: Acquisitions
269.Chapter 269: Lesser
270.Chapter 270: Uncrowned's Council
271.Chapter 271: Realities of War
272.Chapter 272: King of Vasquer
273.Chapter 273: Introspection
274.Chapter 274: The Past Answers
275.Chapter 275: Coddled Children
276.Chapter 276: Sign of Things to Come
277.Chapter 277: Price of Pledges
278.Chapter 278: Start of an Era
279.Chapter 279: Wonders of Time
280.Chapter 280: To Work
281.Chapter 281: First March
282.Chapter 282: Blossoming Spring
283.Chapter 283: Untamed Valley
284.Chapter 284: Entropy in Order
285.Chapter 285: Trust in Him
286.Chapter 286: Ancient Wisdom
287.Chapter 287: Unknown Factor
288.Chapter 288: Reignition
289.Chapter 289: Embers in the North
290.Chapter 290: Time On Our Misery
291.Chapter 291: Enemies of a Different Measure
292.Chapter 292: Lord of the March
293.Chapter 293: Avenues of Approach
294.Chapter 294: Debt of Blood
295.Chapter 295: The Spurned
296.Chapter 296: Calling All Cars
297.Chapter 297: Borrowing to Invest
298.Chapter 298: Underhanded Handyman
299.Chapter 299: Poison Upon Poison
300.Chapter 300: Intruded Sanctuary
Please select a chapter