Level Up Legacy
positive sequence
1101.Chapter 1162 Mellow Guy
1102.Chapter 1163 The Man Who Sees
1103.Chapter 1164 Merciful King of Wrath
1104.Chapter 1165 A Crow's Corpse
1105.Chapter 1166 Delinquents
1106.Chapter 1167 Mister White
1107.Chapter 1168 Straight Into Ambush
1108.Chapter 1169 Father and Son
1109.Chapter 1170 Discussing Honor
1110.Chapter 1171 A Dove's Invitation
1111.Chapter 1172 Square of Heroism
1112.Chapter 1173 Plan to Overthrow
1113.Chapter 1174 An Apple Witness
1114.Chapter 1175 Trusting a Degenerate
1115.Chapter 1176 An Embodiment of Fear
1116.Chapter 1177 Veritas Interview
1117.Chapter 1178 A War To Win Hearts
1118.Chapter 1179 Empyrean of Yalen
1119.Chapter 1180 Giant Garden
1120.Chapter 1181 Ghost of Love
1121.Chapter 1182 A Mottled Sky
1122.Chapter 1183 Eggs Dungeon
1123.Chapter 1184 Remaining Legacies
1124.Chapter 1185 Forget-Me-Not
1125.Chapter 1186 Building A Sanctuary
1126.Chapter 1187 Honoring Their Love
1127.Chapter 1188 Another Wrathful Soul
1128.Chapter 1189 Order Before Chaos
1129.Chapter 1190 Armored Blue Knight
1130.Chapter 1191 An Empyrean Pursuit
1131.Chapter 1192 Dungeon of War
1132.Chapter 1193 Indispensable
1133.Chapter 1194 A Cruel Twist
1134.Chapter 1195 A Golden Shard
1135.Chapter 1196 Again At Alka
1136.Chapter 1197 A Lovers' Reunion
1137.Chapter 1198 Seeking Sier
1138.Chapter 1199 Breaking Hatred
1139.Chapter 1200 A Scheme of Ascendance
1140.Chapter 1201 Spiritual Energy
1141.Chapter 1202 Are You Stronger?
1142.Chapter 1203 Calamities Manifest
1143.Chapter 1204 A Celestial Angel
1144.Chapter 1205 Everything Futile
1145.Chapter 1206 Not Live Another Day
1146.Chapter 1209 Judge and Executioner
1147.Chapter 1210 Cease to Exist
1148.Chapter 1209 A Crowned Prince, Again
1149.Chapter 1210 Lucian Yalen Returns
1150.Chapter 1211 Against the Universe
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