Supreme Magus
positive sequence
2351.Chapter 2345 Lnherited Will (Part 1)
2352.Chapter 2346 Inherited Will (Part 2)
2353.Chapter 2347 Lnherited Will (Part 3)
2354.Chapter 2348 Lnherited Will (Part 4)
2355.Chapter 2349 Saefel’s Shield (Part 1)
2356.Chapter 2350 Saefel’s Shield (Part 2)
2357.Chapter 2351 Combined Assault (Part 1)
2358.Chapter 2352 Combined Assault (Part 2)
2359.Chapter 2353 Victors And Spoils (Part 1)
2360.Chapter 2354 Victors And Spoils (Part 2)
2361.Chapter 2355 Unbreakable (Part 1)
2362.Chapter 2356 Unbreakable (Part 2)
2363.Chapter 2357 Goodbye, Good Night (Part 1)
2364.Chapter 2358 Goodbye, Good Night (Part 2)
2365.Chapter 2359 Face The Future (Part 1)
2366.Chapter 2360 Face The Future (Part 2)
2367.Chapter 2361 Embers Of War (Part 1)
2368.Chapter 2362 Embers Of War (Part 2)
2369.Chapter 2363 A Long Path (Part 1)
2370.Chapter 2364 A Long Path (Part 2)
2371.Chapter 2365 Paternal Pride (Part 1)
2372.Chapter 2366 Paternal Pride (Part 2)
2373.Chapter 2367 Festering Scar (Part 1)
2374.Chapter 2368 Festering Scar (Part 2)
2375.Chapter 2369 Tough Choices (Part 1)
2376.Chapter 2370 Tough Choices (Part 2)
2377.Chapter 2371 Fear Tactics (Part 1)
2378.Chapter 2372 Fear Tactics (Part 2)
2379.Chapter 2373 Under The Spotlight (Part 1)
2380.Chapter 2374 Under The Spotlight (Part 2)
2381.Chapter 2375 Teachers And Students (Part 1)
2382.Chapter 2376 Teachers And Students (Part 2)
2383.Chapter 2377 Kid Gloves (Part 1)
2384.Chapter 2378 Kid Gloves (Part 2)
2385.Chapter 2379 Society Debut (Part 1)
2386.Chapter 2380 Society Debut (Part 2)
2387.Chapter 2381 War Gala (Part 1)
2388.Chapter 2382 War Gala (Part 2)
2389.Chapter 2383 Peace At Last (Part 1)
2390.Chapter 2384 Peace At Last (Part 2)
2391.Chapter 2385 Peace At Last (Part 3)
2392.Chapter 2386 Peace At Last (Part 4)
2393.Chapter 2387 Promises (Part 1)
2394.Chapter 2388 Promises (Part 2)
2395.Chapter 2389 Rotting Land (Part 1)
2396.Chapter 2390 Rotting Land (Part 2)
2397.Chapter 2391 Wasted Opportunity (Part 1)
2398.Chapter 2392 Wasted Opportunity (Part 2)
2399.Chapter 2393 Feeling Used (Part 1)
2400.Chapter 2394 Feeling Used (Part 2)
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