The Demon Monarch System
positive sequence
201.Chapter 201 - The Chosen Opponents
202.Chapter 202 - Going Against A Seat (I)
203.Chapter 203 - Going Against A Seat (II)
204.Chapter 204 - An Unnamed Strike
205.Chapter 205 - Results Of Battle
206.Chapter 206 - Introduction To Spirits (I)
207.Chapter 207 - Concealed Discovery
208.Chapter 208 - Visiting The Resource Hall
209.Chapter 209 - Exclusive Offer
210.Chapter 210 - Road To Intent, A Beckon For All
211.Chapter 211 - The Umbra Night Institute
212.Chapter 212 - A Glimpse Into The Darkness
213.Chapter 213 - Gravity Of Tethered Shadows
214.Chapter 214 - Glimpse Into Shadow's Truth
215.Chapter 215 - The Second Step
216.Chapter 216 - Visit From A Child Of War
217.Chapter 217 - Deterioration Of Astarat's Condition
218.Chapter 218 - Curious Evaluation
219.Chapter 219 - Institute's First Attendance
220.Chapter 220 - Expansion And Union
221.Chapter 221 - Reemergence In Ashiraem
222.Chapter 222 - Rematch
223.Chapter 223 - Incomplete Sin Armament
224.Chapter 224 - Demonic Intent Manifestation
225.Chapter 225 - A Glimpse At A Mystery
226.Chapter 226 - A True Wave
227.Chapter 227 - The Cardinal Sphere Empowers
228.Chapter 228 - Verification Acquired In An Instant
229.Chapter 229 - Cardinal Daemonic Pact
230.Chapter 230 - Oceanic Rewards Appear
231.Chapter 231 - Introduction To The Monarch's Tenebrosity
232.Chapter 232 - Confrontation With The World
233.Chapter 233 - Clash Against Astarat's Will
234.Chapter 234 - Garnering Attention From All Corners
235.Chapter 235 - The Unraveling Of The Omen Begins
236.Chapter 236 - Wolf Hidden Amongst Sheep
237.Chapter 237 - Discord Sown By Fuhrer's Tyranny
238.Chapter 238 - Outer Barrack Hierarchy
239.Chapter 239 - Fools Are Known To Covet Beauty
240.Chapter 240 - A Clash Of Egos
241.Chapter 241 - Heinous Act (I)
242.Chapter 242 - Heinous Act (II)
243.Chapter 243 - Under The Veil Of Night
244.Chapter 244 - Inciting Demonic Deeds
245.Chapter 245 - Ghastly Rumors Arise
246.Chapter 246 - The Shadows Enshroud The Culprit
247.Chapter 247 - Music To My Ears
248.Chapter 248 - The Headmaster Beseeches
249.Chapter 249 - Averting Suspicion, Presenting Desires
250.Chapter 250 - The Corruption Of Hellfire Entices
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