The Job of an Imperial Concubine
positive sequence
1.Chapter 1: I Suddenly Became Wanyi Zhuang (突成莊婉儀)
2.Chapter 2: There’s Something Wrong with the Emperor’s Taste!
3.Chapter 3: Gentle (溫柔)
4.Chapter 4: Expressions of the Imperial Concubines ( 嬪妃眾相)
5.Chapter 5: Promotion (晉封)
6.Chapter 6: To Favor and To Love Wholeheartedly (寵與愛)
7.Chapter 7: Men and Women (男人女人)
8.Chapter 8: Capturing One’s Heart (攻心)
9.Chapter 9: Soft Knife (軟刀子)
10.Chapter 10: Scum (渣)
11.Chapter 11: Each Has Their Own Thought (各自心思)
12.Chapter 12: Backed By Someone (背後有人)
13.Chapter 13: Truth and Lies (真象假象)
14.Chapter 14: Jade Hairpin (玉釵)
15.Chapter 15: Tonic (藥)
16.Chapter 16: Deep-rooted Bad Habits (劣根性)
17.Chapter 17: Birthday (生辰)
18.Chapter 18: Heartless (無情無義)
19.Chapter 19: Pear (梨)
20.Chapter 20: Another Promotion During One’s Birthday (生辰再晉封)
21.Chapter 21: One Night (一夜)
22.Chapter 22: Virtuous Imperial Concubine Jiang (蔣賢嬪 )
23.Chapter 23: Potted Plant (盆栽)
24.Chapter 24: The Empress Dowager (太後)
25.Chapter 25: The Emperor and the Empress Dowager (皇帝太後)
26.Chapter 26: A Good Show (好戲)
27.Chapter 27: Peaches and an Inseparable Couple (桃與鴛鴦)
28.Chapter 28: Each Has Their Own Intention (各自心意)
29.Chapter 29: Lightning Strike (雷劈)
30.Chapter 30: Untitled (無題)
31.Chapter 31: Probing? (試探)
32.Chapter 32: Who’s the Luckiest? (誰最幸運)
33.Chapter 33: Compromise (妥協)
34.Chapter 34: Women (女人)
35.Chapter 35: Gains and Losses (得失)
36.Chapter 36: Unexpected Events Often Occur (時時有意外)
37.Chapter 37: Familial Love? (親情?)
38.Chapter 38: Botched Schemes (拙劣計謀)
39.Chapter 39: Anger? Serenity? (憤怒? 平靜?)
40.Chapter 40: To Eat One’s Bitter Fruit (自食惡果)
41.Chapter 41: Imperial Grace (聖恩)
42.Chapter 42: Favor and Warning (恩典與提醒)
43.Chapter 43: What’s the Intention? (用意為何?)
44.Chapter 44: Who’s Scheming Who (誰算計誰)
45.Chapter 45: Special? (特彆?)
46.Chapter 46: Unveiling One’s Might (發威)
47.Chapter 47: The Tenderness of the Emperor (帝王的溫柔 )
48.Chapter 48: Misunderstanding (誤解)
49.Chapter 49: Pregnant? (有孕?)
50.Chapter 50: Attending the Banquet (陪宴)
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