The Storm King
positive sequence
501.Chapter 502: Beginnings of Trust
502.Chapter 503: Humiliation
503.Chapter 504: Scope of the Ancient Runes
504.Chapter 505: Prince's Arrogance
505.Chapter 506: Round Two
506.Chapter 507: Obsolete
507.Chapter 508: Vengeance or Forgiveness
508.Chapter 509: Justin's Weakness
509.Chapter 510: The Moon Stone I
510.Chapter 511: The Moon Stone II
511.Chapter 512: Valeria and Justin
512.Chapter 513: Leon's Questions
513.Chapter 514: Titles
514.Chapter 515: Khosrow's Law
515.Chapter 516: Leon's Offered Deal
516.Chapter 517: Death of the Thunderbird
517.Chapter 518: Leaving the Lab
518.Chapter 519: Justin's Request
519.Chapter 520: Maia's Answer
520.Chapter 521: A Second Departure
521.Chapter 522: Back in Vale Town
522.Chapter 523: A Few Days of Rest
523.Chapter 524: The Future I
524.Chapter 525: The Future II
525.Chapter 526: Introspection
526.Chapter 527: Regaining Some Pride
527.Chapter 528: The Card
528.Chapter 529: Raid for a Prince
529.Chapter 530: Hasty Return to the Capital
530.Chapter 531: Values of the Old Clan
531.Chapter 532: A Spark of Ambition
532.Chapter 533: An Unexpected Request
533.Chapter 534: Rounding Out the Retinue
534.Chapter 535: Two Happy Weeks
535.Chapter 536: Beginning the Pursuit
536.Chapter 537: Fleet Legates
537.Chapter 538: Rematch
538.Chapter 539: Weeks of Creation
539.Chapter 540: Kraterok
540.Chapter 541: Taking the Sea Wall
541.Chapter 542: Nestor's Thought Experiment
542.Chapter 543: A Legend From Kindred Cultures
543.Chapter 544: Turiel's Deception
544.Chapter 545: Leon's Ruminations
545.Chapter 546: Arriving at the Second Island
546.Chapter 547: Jormun's Jungle Art Project
547.Chapter 548: Jormun's Second Strike
548.Chapter 549: The Second Island's Ritual Site
549.Chapter 550: A Bit of a Problem
550.Chapter 551: Growing Fears
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